parquet or tiles? When it comes to the floor covering in an apartment, the decision is often made between these two variants, depending on the room use.

Whether tiles or parquet is the better choice depends on subjective preferences, the spatial conditions and the respective material properties.

If you want to buy parquet, you should always keep the different variants in mind. Because here there are sometimes striking differences in quality.

Large price differences between parquet and tiles

There are sometimes considerable differences in prices, although the difference is of course always dependent on the quality. Tiles or parquet – that is not even the decisive point with regard to price differences. Instead, it is a decisive point for which parquet type you ultimately decide.

Parquet or tiles: Solid parquet costs between 40 and 200 euros per square meter

While you can get inexpensive multi-layer parquet in some cases for prices between ten and 15 euros per square metre, high-quality two- or three-layer parquet already costs around 30 to 50 euros per square metre.

The prices for real wood or solid parquet, on the other hand, start at around 40 euros per square metre. Depending on parquet type, wood species and parquet manufacturer the prices for solid parquet will increase. Thus, there are also variants in this area for which you have to invest up to 150 or even 200 Euro per square meter.

Tiles or parquet: prices for floor tiles vary between 25 and 80 euros per square meter

On the other hand, anyone interested in tiles will not be able to avoid porcelain stoneware with this designation.

These are ceramic tiles that offer extremely low water absorption.

As a rule, floor tiles are laid unglazed, although glazed and polished versions are also available from specialist dealers.

The respective prices vary depending on the quality. Thus, porcelain stoneware tiles with an appealing quality are already available from around 25 to 30 euros per square metre.

Especially high-quality floor tiles, which feature special surface designs and extraordinary designs, can also cost up to 80 euros per square meter.

Parquet or tiles: The cost-benefit ratio of parquet

However, the prices of tiles and parquet must always be considered in the context of the benefits.

Real wood or solid wood parquet has an extremely long service life. Because this type of parquet can be sanded several times, depending on the thickness of the lamellas.

However, this very good service life should not be underestimated in comparison to the cost of sanding down wear marks and the cost of new parquet sealing . As a rule, solid wood parquet is sanded every 15 years.

If you have installed multi-layer parquet instead, you can expect a comparatively limited service life of 15 to a maximum of 20 years. Depending on the thickness of the wear layer, multi-layer variants can often only be ground once, but at most twice .

Tiles or parquet: the cost-benefit ratio of floor tiles

If you choose high-quality tiles, you can expect a service life of around 60 years.

Tiles of this type usually have a high degree of hardness. The lower this hardness is, the more the shelf life shrinks.

In principle, however, tiles are always maintenance-free; there are therefore no renewal costs over the course of their service life no renewal costs.

With cheaper floor tiles, however, visible signs of wear are also produced, which is due to the lower degree of hardness.

Tiles or parquet – the essential comparison criteria

Even if, in addition to the price criterion, the subjective approach or one’s own perception is always important, there are important factors that can be objectively compared.

This gives you a valuable decision-making aid at any time for the question “parquet or tiles“:

1. Atmosphere and comfort

Basically, there are no two opinions here, whether parquet or tiles seem more comfortable and atmospheric. The parquet is clearly advantaged by the subtle structure, the comparatively soft surface and the flattering wood shades. Parquet creates comfort and atmosphere.

2. Naturalness and individuality

Parquet is manufactured industrially just like tiles. Nevertheless, wooden parquet is still a piece of nature. A natural look is given. Virtually every single parquet rod has an individual optical character. Tiles are available in many different colour variations and with different surfaces, but the naturalness and individuality of wood is missing here. Tiles often look sterile and underline a rather cool atmosphere.

3. Degree of hardness and resistance

Different types of wood are used for hardwood flooring. Some woods such as pine, larch, chestnut, spruce or alder are soft woods, while oak, robinia and scupira are hardwoods. Scratch marks are therefore also quickly visible on soft woods. It is enough if you have small stones in the apartment unintentionally stuck under your shoes and scratch them while walking over the hardwood flooring. Tiles, on the other hand, generally have a high degree of hardness and are therefore generally more hard-wearing and resistant than parquet.

4. Visibility of joints

When deciding whether parquet or tiles are the better choice, the subject of joints also plays an important role. For tiles, joints of about two to three millimetres are necessary. With parquet floors, joints are avoided for the time being by the laying technique or by the construction. In the winter months the picture changes and visible joints are formed between the individual laying units. This is due to the low air humidity in winter: the parquet or wood shrinks. Dirt often penetrates into these joints and is sometimes difficult to remove. A underfloor heating further intensifies this effect with parquet.

5. Color changes over time

Parquet flooring can change colour after a certain period of time – for example due to sunlight. Thus, over time, the parquet wood usually becomes darker, in some cases also lighter. Example light oak: the colouring becomes darker and darker over time and tends towards yellow. Tiles do not change their colour. The colour fastness is therefore maintained.

6. Cleaning and care

In order to preserve the optical speciality of parquet over a long period of time, the surface should be regularly treated with care oils and cleaning soaps or cleaned. tiles do not require such maintenance. Stains or dirt can be easily removed with a damp cloth.

But for this (oiled) parquet partially absorbs odours – a service that tiles unfortunately cannot offer 🙂

Tiles or parquet – the respective advantages at a glance

The benefits of parquet over tiles

  • Parquet floors create comfort and atmosphere. In addition, parquet feels really warm right from the first skin contact, which makes underfloor heating virtually unnecessary. Tiles, on the other hand, are cold. They appear sterile and do not create any special cosiness.
  • Parquet can be renovated several times, depending on the wood quality. This is not possible for tiles (only marble and granite can be reworked).
  • The walking sound or impact sound is well insulated by the parquet just like the general room sound. This is especially the case if the parquet has been glued with parquet adhesive. Tiles tend to amplify the reverberation and also transmit sounds when walking more than parquet.
  • oiled parquet can partially absorb odours. This applies both to kitchen odours and, for example, also to the smell of cigarette smoke.

The advantages of tiles over parquet

  • Tiles have a greater degree of hardness. They are therefore more robust and less sensitive to scratches.
  • Parquet flooring must be protected at heavily loaded areas with a floor protection mat.
  • Tiles do not require any special care and are also easy to clean. Parquet, on the other hand, must be regularly machined with special cleaning agents.
  • Even if tiles feel cold when in contact with the skin, they conduct heat much better than parquet. As a result, floor tiles are the best flooring for underfloor heating.
  • wood works, stone and ceramic tiles do not. In winter, joints sometimes form between the individual rods or planks during the parquet. This does not happen with tiles.

If you have hardwood flooring or planks laid, it is not only a question of the appropriate choice of the type of hardwood flooring or the optimum laying method.

Instead, you should always include surface treatment and finishing in your purchasing decision. Because the surface finish is also decisive for a look with an aesthetically individual note.

In addition, it is the decisive factor in providing lasting protection for the parquet floor from moisture and dirt.

Parquet oil recommendations from this article:

Contrast the pros and cons in a targeted way

Two options are available here: You can oil or varnish parquet .

While lacquer seals the floor, you impregnate the parquet surface with an oil or wax.

Whether oil or lacquer is the better solution for your parquet cannot be answered in a general way. If the respective advantages and disadvantages are considered, the pendulum will swing more in the direction of oil or wax for some important criteria. If you want to buy parquet, you should always weigh up the advantages and weaknesses of the finishing techniques against each other.

Why seal parquet?

Sealing is the final surface treatment of the parquet. Possible methods are: sealing with varnish, wax or oil.

In general usage, sealing practically always refers to the application of paint.

The treatment is important because wood as a natural raw material must be protected from moisture and dirt.

The most effective way to provide this protection is to seal it with varnish. This results in particularly good protection and the process is ideal for rooms subject to heavy use. If parquet is laid in the kitchen, a lacquer finish is also recommended.

The warm radiance of the wood is slightly lost. Oil and wax on the other hand preserve the original wood character. However, a floor with such a sealant is more sensitive. After a parquet renovation it is always necessary to freshly seal the sanded parquet planks.

Always pay attention to the humidity

Wood oils have numerous advantages over lacquer. In particular, oxidative natural oils based on linseed oil preserve the so-called diffusion openness, i.e. the breathability of the installed wood.

factual is however always: Wood is basically hygroscopic and reacts to the respective room climatic conditions.

Thus, the parquet absorbs appropriate moisture in the room with damp air and thus expands. In the opposite case – i.e. in dry air – the parquet shrinks.

The intensity depends on the wood species. For example, maple, beech and other light wood species show a generally high swelling and shrinking behaviour.

A relative air humidity of around 50 to 60 percent and a room temperature of about 20 degrees are considered the ideal room climate for the hardwood flooring and also for people.

parquet professionals monitor the air humidity with a hygrometer and use humidifiers for regulation.

It’s not just the optics that decides – the feel has to be right

However, the feel also plays an important role in deciding whether you should oil or varnish your parquet.

After all, wood is a natural product that you can feel as a material at any time.

So when you are faced with the decision whether to oil or varnish your parquet, the feel of the surface is always a decisive factor.

With oiled parquet, you have a clear advantage. Because the oil does not prevent the wood from feeling natural at any time.

The wood can no longer be felt by the lacquer layer

On the other hand, the wood is always under a lacquered layer of lacquered parquet. The wood is still visible, but you can’t feel it at all while running with bare soles of your feet.

Small scratches are not a problem for oiled variants

Also with regard to scratches and similar marks the oiled parquet types have a clear advantage over the lacquered solutions.

Because smaller scratch marks are no longer noticeable if you regularly re-oil the soil. If, on the other hand, there are scratches in the paint layer, these will always remain visible.

Initially, scratches leave white cracks in the paint layer, before these later fill with small particles of dirt and shimmer greyish.

Regularly oiled parquet floors do not necessarily have to be sanded

This can destroy the entire aura of a visually attractive and comfortable parquet floor.

If you also lay oiled parquet, maintain the wooden floor regularly and always treat it with oil in good time, you will often not have to sand your parquet floor again. This saves costs and effort. In addition, you can protect your hardwood flooring with a suitable floor protection mat in places subject to heavy loads.

It depends on the quality of the coating

If you buy parquet that has been covered with a layer of lacquer, you should always pay attention to the quality of the lacquer.

There are considerable differences here. If, for example, a PU lacquer with several layers is used, you are usually on the safe side.

There are parquet floors with a high-quality lacquer coating where even after 40 years no lacquer peeling is visible.

If, on the other hand, an inferior acrylic lacquer is used, frequent sanding is almost inevitable.

In many cases, an inferior product will sooner or later detach itself from the parquet rods or planks, as the wood always swells up due to changes in humidity and then pulls back together again.

Inferior coating layers are more quickly replaced

Experience shows that inferior quality lacquer always peels off first at the edges of the parquet strips or wooden planks.

What remains are bright areas that show a visible contrast to the areas still sealed with varnish.

And not only that:

the bright spots become larger and larger over time. The special charm of a maintained parquet floor falls by the wayside. Rather, the surface suddenly looks more like a patchwork quilt or simply not well maintained.

At a glance: parquet oils – advantages and disadvantages

  • The naturalness of the wooden floor is preserved.
  • Scratch marks and similar damage can be “repaired” by re-oiling.
  • Surface treatment with oil has a positive effect on the indoor climate.
  • Regular oiling prevents premature renovation. Sometimes soils of this kind do not need to be re-ground at all.
  • However, the maintenance of an oiled parquet floor takes a lot of time.
  • Lacquer gives the parquet a very special shine. There are the gloss levels semi-matt, matt and shiny.
  • The surface is optimally protected from mechanical damage and water by the coating layer.
  • Parquet machined with varnish is predestined for use in the commercial sector and under high demands.
  • In case of visible scratches or quirks, you usually need to completely grind a painted floor to repair the damage.
  • You can no longer feel the wood under the lacquer layer.

If a renovation is pending or a new house has to be fitted out, sooner or later the question of the right floor covering will always come into focus.

The range of floor coverings is large. Parquet flooring in particular, as well as vinyl, are at the very top of the popularity scale here. Whether parquet or vinyl flooring is the better solution depends on the circumstances and personal preferences.

There are essential distinguishing features and pre– or disadvantages which you should consider when making your decision.

Solid wood floorboards are a must for nature lovers

Especially if you decide on solid wood parquet, you get a product with a very high value.

Because parquet of this type consists exclusively of real wood. Therefore, parquet made of solid woods is virtually a must for nature lovers.

This is ultimately also reflected in the natural appearance and the corresponding feel. When you touch the parquet, it feels warmer than vinyl.

Nevertheless, vinyl is also considered warm to the feet. In comparison to tiles or to the laminate, this is also quite true. But real wood always feels warmer than plastic-based vinyl.

In addition, parquet always provides a more homely and comfortable atmosphere than the rather sterile and cold-looking vinyl.

Parquet can be repaired and renovated in contrast to vinyl

Parquet floors, however, are not only convincing with their visual attractiveness and haptic advantages. In fact, parquet also has an extremely long life span.

Because you can sand down parquet floorboards several times if they are scratched or in need of renovation. However, this is of course always associated with a lot of effort and corresponding costs. In addition, it is more difficult to replace individual laying units in the case of parquet. This is particularly the case if parquet has been glued with parquet adhesive.

You can basically choose between oiled or lacquered parquet floorboards or strips.

oiled parquet reduces residential and kitchen odours or the smoking odour of cigarettes. In an apartment these odours are partially absorbed.

Vinyl floors cannot offer this.

Parquet or vinyl: vinyl focuses on versatility

A vinyl floor, on the other hand, is particularly impressive because of its versatility. Since the material is quiet, warm to the feet and suitable for damp rooms, a vinyl floor is a good solution for many rooms. Especially in kitchens and bathrooms, floors of this type are preferably laid.

A distinction must be made between vinyl coverings for gluing, for loose laying and with integrated kick system.

A vinyl floor has only a low construction height of sometimes not more than five millimetres.

In addition, it can also be placed directly on existing or old coverings if required. Vinyl can be easily processed and cut to size with a cutter knife.

Therefore vinyl is also well suited for renovation or refurbishment.

No naturalness: Vinyl is made of plastic

You should, however, be aware that vinyl is an artificial material that is made of plastic.

So anyone who does not want to do without the naturalness and closeness to nature of real wood parquet should keep their hands off vinyl.

However, there are also vinyl decors that are based on natural wood types.

At least at first glance, the vinyl floor cannot be distinguished from real wood planks.

With high-quality vinyl versions, both the wood grains and the natural wood structure are sometimes deceptively real.

The advantages of vinyl over parquet

  • Vinyl is extremely durable and robust; it is designed for high stress.
  • As a material, vinyl is water-repellent. Therefore, vinyl is also suitable for use in wet rooms.
  • Even the basic composition of vinyl is extremely low-noise within the framework of a multi-layer structure. The effectiveness of the impact sound insulation always depends on how many layers are present and the nature of the layers.
  • Vinyl can be cleaned comparatively easily and quickly cleaned and maintained. You can vacuum the floor as well as wipe it wet. For people who are, for example, allergic to house dust mites allergic, this flexibility in cleaning is of great advantage.
  • Vinyl offers you a wide range of decors in wood look and tile look.
  • Due to its low installation height, vinyl is better suited for underfloor heating than parquet. The heat passes through the material more quickly, which means that the heating phase is shorter than for parquet.

The advantages of parquet over vinyl

  • Vinyl is not a natural product. Parquet, on the other hand, shines precisely through its naturalness.
  • Parquet offers more atmosphere, cosiness and homeliness.
  • Although a vinyl floor is extremely robust and therefore durable, if damage does occur, the entire floor covering usually has to be replaced. There is hardly any possibility to renovate the floor or the damage. This is only possible with certain types of vinyl. Parquet flooring, on the other hand, can be sanded down or, for example, re-oiled.
  • For vinyl, always pay attention to the manufacturer and the country of production. Because there are plenty of questionable cheap goods from outside the European Union (EU). Apart from the differences in quality, the cheap variants may still contain plasticizers that are hazardous to health. German manufacturers, on the other hand, adhere strictly to the corresponding control obligation and use only harmless ingredients. These problems do not exist in the parquet sector.
  • Vinyl still has a disadvantage compared to parquet. Although this has nothing directly to do with the laying of vinyl in your own home or even in business premises, it should nevertheless be taken into account when it comes to the question of whether parquet or vinyl is the better solution for the individual. Because vinyl has the shortcoming of being disposed of in an environmentally harmful way. The material can finally be disposed of exclusively in incinerators.

Underfloor heating is considered a comfortable heating option.

No disturbing radiators as well as a pleasant and even heating effect are the big advantages.

However, if the underfloor heating is used at the same time as a parquet floor, problems may occur.

By following important instructions, it is possible to avoid the disadvantages and enjoy the advantages of underfloor heating without restrictions.

A professional advice is useful to find out which parquet is suitable for underfloor heating.

To ensure that hardwood flooring and underfloor heating are compatible with each other, it is important to choose the right hardwood flooring and the type of parquet.

One should already consider all factors before the buy parquet.

The parquet adhesive used and the correct temperature setting of the underfloor heating also play an important role.

In order to ensure that the hardwood flooring shows to its best advantage in underfloor heating and does not have any negative effects, the advice of a specialist is required.

The professional knows the requirements:

  • What is important for laying parquet if underfloor heating is planned?
  • What must be observed when laying planks so that the underfloor heating can work properly?

The best parquet for underfloor heating

Parquet flooring and underfloor heating can get along well if important points are clarified in advance.

Underfloor heating must be a hot water heating system. Electric heating systems are not suitable.

The second question deals with the choice of suitable parquet as floor covering. Here, the type of wood is decisive.

Wood generally conducts heat only slowly.

With a higher raw wood density, however, the heat conduction can be improved. All tropical woods are among the woods with the highest density. These include, for example, the well-known teak wood, but Jatoba, Merbau and Wenge are also well suited.

If tropical woods are used for a parquet floor, the wood should come from sustainable forestry. Certified quality seals such as FSC and PEFC make the decision easier.

In the case of domestic woods, there are also wood types that are the right choice for hardwood flooring with underfloor heating.

Wood species with a high raw wood density include oak, pear tree, walnut tree and cherry tree.

These types of wood have a favourable swelling and shrinkage behaviour.

Coniferous woods such as fir or spruce are not recommended.

Caution also applies to beech, because beech wood reacts very strongly to changes in temperature and humidity.

Dry room air is also a risk factor for beech parquet. The installation of underfloor heating increases the negative effects.

With beech hardwood flooring in combination with underfloor heating, large joints inevitably occur g>.

How thick should the parquet be with underfloor heating?

The thicker the parquet is, the longer it takes to heat the surface.

Parquet is available in different thicknesses and designs.

In order for the wood to match the underfloor heating and to achieve good heating performance, a thinner parquet is much better.

Very good results can be achieved with an 8 millimetre thick mosaic parquet, whereas a 22 millimetre strip parquet is less suitable.

If the wood surface heats up only slowly, some owners of underfloor heating systems reach for the controller and set the flow temperature higher. This can lead to damage to the wood, or the adhesive, because the water temperature of the heating system must be adjusted to the special properties of wood and adhesive.

Parquet with underfloor heating: The choice of the right laying method

If parquet is to be laid on underfloor heating, always use the full-bonded installation, because the floating installation has disadvantages in this respect.

A thin layer of air is often created between the insulation underlay and the parquet during floating installation.

Small unevenness or bulges in the floor are the cause.

This leads to an increase in thermal resistance.

The heating of the surface takes correspondingly longer. These risks and disadvantages do not exist with full bonding.

For this reason, parquet should always be glued over the entire surface of underfloor heating systems by a specialist company. With glued parquet, the heat of the underfloor heating is transferred directly into the floor covering.

The formation of joints in hardwood flooring with underfloor heating

Wood is a natural material that always works.

By using underfloor heating this effect can be reinforced. The wood dries out and joints can form.

This risk can be minimized by choosing a suitable parquet floor. With a finished parquet the risk of joint formation is lower. Finished parquet consists of several layers that are glued together. This makes the parquet more stable and keeps its shape better than solid parquet.

The right adhesive for the full-surface bonding of hardwood flooring with underfloor heating

When the parquet is glued, the temperature must not be too high. The parquet adhesive only holds well if the prescribed temperature is not exceeded.

The professional for parquet laying knows the limit values and points them out in order not to endanger the interaction between parquet and underfloor heating.

The choice of temperature for underfloor heating

To ensure that neither the parquet nor the adhesive bond is damaged, the floor temperature must be monitored.

A specified maximum value must not be exceeded. The decisive factor is the flow temperature of the underfloor heating.

It must be set so that the specified maximum value is never exceeded. If the floor becomes too warm, irreversible damage to the parquet can occur. The expert is also the right address for other questions concerning hardwood flooring. It provides information, for example, on the choice of suitable parquet for underfloor heating or on current parquet prices.

Air humidity, underfloor heating and parquet

With underfloor heating, the room climate is better during the heating period than with conventional heating.

Nevertheless, dry room air may still be present. Together with the heat effect of the underfloor heating, which is in direct contact with the parquet, impairments of the wood are possible.

Regular airing and good parquet care help to prevent damage. Under certain circumstances, a humidifier is useful to improve the indoor climate.

Unlike conventional floor coverings, with parquet the correct cleaning and care is extremely important.

With the right care measures and cleaning adapted to the requirements of the parquet, the floor will remain fresh, clean and always well maintained.

Cleaning and maintenance of parquet is not difficult if some rules are followed. Wood reacts sensitively to moisture, so when cleaning parquet, care must be taken to ensure that the floor does not get completely wet.

The cleaning utensils also play a role, so that the parquet can be maintained without causing damage. With good equipment, cleaning is relatively effortless.

Recommended product for cleaning sealed parquet:

Basically, when cleaning parquet, a distinction is first made between sealed or oiled parquet.

The second consideration: Do the wooden floorboards need to be cleaned thoroughly or is it sufficient to remove dust and crumbs? Now and then, more extensive measures are necessary if the parquet is to be maintained and treated well.

Parquet and vacuum cleaner: Is the vacuum cleaner allowed to clean the parquet?

Parquet floors may be vacuumed if the vacuum cleaner has a special hard floor nozzle.

This ensures that the parquet floor is not damaged.

You should be careful when handling the vacuum cleaner – especially if it is a floor vacuum cleaner. With handheld vacuum cleaners, only the nozzle comes into contact with the floor.

It is also advisable to use a small cordless vacuum cleaner, recommended for example in households with children, if crumbs fall to the floor frequently.

Otherwise, a soft mop is sufficient for removing dust and crumbs, with which crumbs and dust lint can be quickly removed. The use of a steam cleaner is only recommended in rare cases.

Cleaning sealed parquet: This is how the sealed wooden floor becomes fresh and clean again

In addition to dry cleaning, wet cleaning is a further component of parquet cleaning.

Sealed parquet is more sensitive to water than oiled parquet. The professional advice is that a sealed parquet floor must not be exposed to too much water.

Water can creep under the parquet sealing. The wood can swell in the worst case.

Grey veils can form at the joints of the parquet, other unsightly discolourations are also possible.

If you want to clean hardwood flooring damp, you should pay attention to the note “damp fogging“.

This means that the mop or cloth must be wrung out thoroughly and only slightly damp.

Under no circumstances should puddles form on the parquet floor. The mop contains the right amount of moisture if the floor dries again immediately.

Water without additives is suitable, but you can also use a suitable parquet cleaner for cleaning the parquet.

Important: The best choice is a parquet cleaner recommended by the parquet manufacturer. Please do not experiment yourself!

Certain cleaning agents are even extremely harmful. Vinegar cleaner may be used e.g. never, it can lead to discoloration which cannot be removed.

If there is particularly heavy soiling, use an intensive cleaner to clean the parquet.

Here too, the manufacturer’s instructions must be observed. The room should be well ventilated during and after cleaning.

Sometimes liquids can be spilled. Be it from carelessness while watering flowers or through a fallen glass. In this case, water and other liquids should be absorbed as soon as possible. This way nothing can penetrate the parquet.

Clean hardwood flooring properly
Clean the parquet properly with a mop

Clean oiled parquet: Tips for careful cleaning

Even oiled parquet should not get really wet, but in principle a little more water is allowed when cleaning parquet.

The ideal cleaning agent is a special wood floor soap.

Follow the instructions on the packaging. The wooden floor soap may foam when cleaning the floor, damage or grey haze does not occur when using the soap.

The components of the wood floor soap have positive effects for oiled parquet.

The soap contains not only cleansing substances, but also caring oils and waxes. In this way, the floorboard floor receives the right care with every cleaning process.

If there are only a few traces to be removed, a slightly damp mop without detergent is sufficient, but cleaning should not be carried out over a long period of time exclusively with water.

Good ventilation is also important for oiled parquet. After damp cleaning, the parquet floor must dry before it is walked on again so that no footprints remain.

Caring for sealed parquet: How to preserve the beauty of the parquet

Sealed parquet remains permanently beautiful with the right care measures.

It is advisable to lay the parquet immediately after the floor if a special initial maintenance is used.

This measure should also be applied after the laying flooring.

The parquet manufacturer recommends products that are suitable for parquet maintenance. Special products are also useful for ongoing cleaning and care.

There are two possibilities here:

  1. You can use a combined wipe care, in which case the care product is already integrated.
  2. Alternatively, if only a cleaning agent is used, a parquet care product should be applied approximately every four to six months.

In rooms with heavy use, for example in commercially used rooms, special care is required more often.

Maintain oiled parquet: The requirements of an oiled parquet floor

If you want to maintain oiled parquet, you can opt for a wood floor soap right away.

The oils and waxes it contains are sufficient for normal care. In addition, the floor may be treated with a special maintenance oil. It makes sense to apply a maintenance oil about once or twice a year when caring for your parquet floor.

If the ongoing maintenance cleaning should only be carried out with a conventional parquet cleaner, the maintenance measure with maintenance oil is necessary more often.

A cotton mop is very well suited for applying the care oil.

Cleaning heavily soiled parquet

If the parquet floor is extremely dirty, a specialist company is the right place to go. You can rent polishing machines or hire the expert who will clean the wooden floor with the appropriate equipment and intensive cleaning agents and bring it back to life.

When does one have to re-oil parquet?

The purpose of re-oiling is to maintain the resistance of the parquet. The “untreated” character is shown to its best advantage, but the parquet needs the right care with re-oiling.

Re-oiling is recommended about once a year. For a very lightly used floor, treatment every two years is sufficient.

Floors that are subject to heavy use should be oiled more often. In public buildings, this can even happen once a week.

Before re-oiling, the floor must be thoroughly cleaned (remove all removable objects such as carpets or floor protection mats etc.). The floor can be wiped with a damp cloth. For heavy soiling, but also simply as care, you can use a special wood soap.

After cleaning, the floor must dry well for at least five hours. Only then is the care oil applied. For re-oiling, the oil is also available in spray form.

The applied oil must be well absorbed, then the floor is polished. No remains of the oil should remain on the ground. A good wood care oil ensures that the wood is antistatic and resistant to dirt. The floor is given a matt, silky shimmer.

The floor covering plays an important role in interior design. Both the appearance and the practical features should match the function of the respective room. There is a wide range of options to choose from. parquet and laminate are particularly convincing because of the large selection of surface designs.

While parquet is made of real wood, laminate is made of plastics.

The surface can be deceptively similar to real wood.

However, laminate is also available in many other design variants, so that it can be used to imitate a tiled floor, for example.

But which floor covering is the right one when it comes to living spaces and wet rooms? Is parquet or laminate flooring better suited for furnishing business premises? For the decision “parquet or laminate” it is important to know the differences and special properties as precisely as possible.

What is laminate made of? Interesting facts about material and production of laminate

Laminate, the short name for laminate flooring, is a composite material based on plastic.

These are thermosetting plastics, i.e. plastics that cannot be deformed after curing.

Several layers make a resistant floor covering. The decor can be designed in almost any desired look. Laminate flooring with a wood look is a frequent occurrence.

The top layer is a protective layer consisting of a thin paper soaked with a melamine adhesive.

Underneath is the decorative paper that gives the laminate its appearance.

The lower layers are applied to a carrier plate and firmly bonded.

The carrier board is a particle board, either MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard) or HDF (High Density Fibreboard).

The bottom layer is a backing layer of paper or plastic to prevent deformation.

The thickness of a finished laminate board depends on the number of layers and the thickness of the carrier board.

Laminate floors are available in different qualities. Basically, laminate is versatile.

In order to find the right laminate for a particular application, it is helpful to divide the material into load classes.

The higher the load class, the more resilient the laminate flooring is.

Laminate or hardwood flooring: the main differences

The main difference between laminate and parquet is the basic material.

Laminate is made of plastic, while parquet is always made of pure wood.

This distinction has an impact on the usage properties.

Parquet is – besides many other good properties – extremely durable.

High-quality laminate also has a long service life. However, if a laminate floor is replaced, the question of disposal arises.

While wood poses no problems, plastics are difficult to dispose of. Anyone wanting to buy laminate or parquet should also think about sustainability and disposal.

The decision to use laminate as a floor covering can still be the right one. The durability of a high-quality laminate floor with a high stress class makes the flooring ideal for commercial areas.

Cheaper laminate variants are the optimal choice for furnishing a rental apartment.

What advantages does parquet have over laminate?

Parquet is sustainable and durable.

This advantage is particularly evident in the fact that a parquet floor can be renovated very well.

Scratches and dents in the laminate flooring are permanent, parquet forgives damage with its good renovability.

Even after prolonged use with visible signs of wear, a parquet floor can be sanded down and resealed or oiled, which is not possible with laminate.

Anyone who attaches great importance to an authentic look will make a decision with a parquet floor:

Traces of use do not necessarily have to be disturbing, but they do give the real wood flooring character.

Wood has a warm appearance. Laminate can imitate this effect purely optically, but the floor itself is cold.

Parquet on the other hand always feels pleasant. A parquet floor is warm to the feet. A floor covering made of real wood has a positive effect on the room atmosphere.

The indoor climate clearly benefits when the floor is made of pure wood. Oiled parquet floors in particular can even absorb odours from the room air due to their breathable surface.

Wood is a renewable resource. With parquet that comes from sustainable forestry, every builder makes a significant contribution to the protection of the environment.

Moreover, wood is unique. It is possible to imitate a special grain in a laminate floor. In a direct comparison parquet or laminate, however, wood as an original cuts better off.

Parquet or laminate flooring: For which applications is laminate better?

Laminate flooring is very suitable if the rental apartment is to be given a new floor covering.

The good value for money speaks for itself, because laminate is cheaper than parquet.

The prices for parquet are higher, but the quality also speaks for this.

Laying laminate is quick and easy – do-it-yourselfers also get on well with laminate.

Laminate is, however, not suitable for damp rooms, e.g. the bathroom or laundry room. Moisture causes laminate irreversible deformation.

Laminate is well suited for heavily used areas in commercial properties. The hard-wearing floor covering fits in department stores and smaller shops, in hotels and restaurants.

Laminate flooring also makes sense in offices and administrative buildings as well as in social facilities, for example in a day-care centre for children or a retirement home. However, especially in offices, both parquet and laminate should be protected with an office chair underlay.

For which areas should you choose parquet instead of laminate?

Whether parquet or laminate makes more sense depends on the area of application, but also on your own expectations.

Parquet has a noble aura. A parquet floor is of high quality, and accordingly it is also very effective in demanding areas.

In the house and in the apartment parquet is suitable for all areas. Parquet flooring not only fits in the living room, bedroom and children’s room, but also in the kitchen and can even be laid in the bathroom. A floor made of real wood is a perfect match for a healthy lifestyle.

Anyone who has planks laid can count on a high-quality, sustainable floor covering.

In commercial areas, parquet is always the right choice when it is a elevated ambience.

The small, fine boutique, the cosy café or the elegant lounge area of a hotel receive a pleasant and harmonious overall effect with a high-quality parquet floor.

Parquet flooring also makes an excellent impression in a law firm, in a stylish office or on the executive floor.

The differences in laying: How to lay parquet or laminate

For the laying of hardwood flooring the skills of a specialist are required.

For parquet there are options, it can be glued with parquet adhesive or laid as a floating installation.

This alternative does not exist for laminate, where a floating installation is always necessary. Laminate works hard and must be exposed. The advantage is the quick installation, the disadvantage is the higher impact sound.

What is better suited for underfloor heating, parquet or laminate?

For underfloor heating, a glued floor is much better due to the higher heat transmission.

Since laminate must not be glued, parquet is the right choice for underfloor heating.

Adhesives for glued installation (non floating)

Anyone who decides on parquet as a floor covering must first think about more than just the type of parquet, whether it should be solid parquet or multi-layer parquet.

The choice of the parquet type also determines the way in which the parquet is to be laid.

Solid parquet must be glued down, whereas the laying of the planks can also be done “floating” with finished parquet.

Of course, the floor price certainly plays a role in the choice of the product.

When buy parquet some technical aspects should also be considered. For example, not all types of parquet are suitable for underfloor heating.

Last but not least, the durability of the hardwood flooring also plays a role. Because if you live e.g. for rent, there should at least be the possibility to remove the parquet without leaving any residues when moving out. In this case, with laying parquet the “floating installation” is certainly preferable to gluing.

What does a “glued-on installation” mean?

With “glued installation”, the parquet is firmly and permanently bonded to the subfloor using parquet adhesive.

When purchasing, it is important to remember that solid wood parquet is best glued over the entire surface on a suitable and even base.

It is advisable to have this done by the expert.

There are good reasons for gluing parquet or hardwood flooring planks over the entire surface and firmly bonding them to the substrate.

In addition to certain types of parquet, which cannot be laid in any other way, gluing the parquet guarantees above all a high durability.

Glued parquet made of solid wood is easy to renovate and lasts for many decades even in rooms with heavy use of the floor covering.

The direct and firm connection of the parquet with the subfloor thus stands for a high load-bearing capacity.

What does “floating laying” mean?

In contrast to glued installation, with “floating installation” the individual parquet planks are not connected to the subfloor, but only to each other. The parquet lies unfixed on the subfloor, “floats” thus on this.

The connection between the individual pre-finished parquet elements varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, but is usually made by simple click systems.

For the floating parquet installation, therefore, only little manual skill is required. It is also easy to handle even for laypersons. The parquet floor can then be walked on immediately.

Gluing parquet: What are the advantages and disadvantages?


With glued parquet there is no room for movement of the floor and therefore a much lower noise pollution due to impact sound than with floating parquet.

The firm connection with the subfloor ensures that the glued parquet cannot vibrate.

The treading noises are significantly quieter than with floating installation, where the flooring amplifies the sound when it is set in motion by steps or movements.

Parquet glued laid (industrial parquet)
Raw industrial parquet is firmly glued to the substrate. After drying, it must be sanded and sealed.

Glued parquet has a tendency to not to joint formation and material fatigue due to its firm connection with the subfloor.

This means that hardly any cracks can form even under permanent load, into which moisture can penetrate.

Glued parquet is in total very resilient, which significantly increases the service life of the floor covering.

In addition, the parquet can be well renovated during its lifetime and can also be sanded some times over time, if necessary.


Glued parquet requires more time during installation and is therefore more cost-intensive.

With glued parquet, it is very difficult or even impossible to correct laying errors after the glue has dried, because once glued, parquet elements can hardly be detached and realigned without damage.

The parquet is not immediately walkable after laying, because the adhesive must first harden. This takes at least 12 hours.

Large quantities of adhesive are required for bonding to the substrate.

Of course, care should be taken to use an adhesive without solvents.

After removing an already glued parquet floor, a reuse is no longer possible.

Also, the removal of the glued parquet can be quite time-consuming.

Accordingly, glued parquet is clearly designed for durability and not for flexibility.

Why glue parquet?

Basically, parquet can be laid or glued as a floating floor.

Bonding has several advantages. Glued parquet is mainly suitable when a very long-term use is planned. This is because the removal of glued parquet is considerably more complicated.

If you live in a rented apartment, you should definitely inform the landlord and ask for permission.

When must parquet be glued? In any case then, if a complicated parquet pattern or a demanding parquet type is planned.

The glued installation technique is ideal for a home with children or in rooms subject to heavy use.

In the laying pattern and in the transition to other rooms, no expansion joints are usually necessary when gluing.

Another factor if the question of when to glue parquet is answered positively: What is important is an adhesive with “healthy” properties, free of solvents and low in emissions.

Advantages and disadvantages of floating installation


The special advantage of floating installation is that it is very easy and quick to do, even by laymen with some skill.

It is only important that the subfloor is level when the parquet is laid.

To ensure this, there is, for example, self-levelling filler. Once the laying work is complete, the parquet can be walked on immediately and the room can be furnished.

Another advantage is the possibility of taking up the floating parquet again if necessary, replacing it if the taste changes, or laying it again elsewhere.

Especially if the parquet is to be laid in a rented apartment, the residue-free removal when moving out is an aspect that should be considered before buying. Floating parquet is the flexible solution here.


Floating parquet floors have a lower durability compared to glued parquet floors, as vibrations of the floor covering cannot be avoided.

In the long run, this leads to higher mechanical stress and thus to material fatigue at the element connections.

In the course of time cracks can develop here, through which moisture can penetrate the wood. Floating parquet floors are also more difficult to renovate if they vibrate, e.g. during grinding off.

It should be noted that parquet can only be used for floating installation if it has also been designed and designated for this purpose.

The main disadvantage is the impact sound, which is caused by the fact that the flooring gives way with every step. Like a soundboard, the sound is amplified by vibrations. A impact sound insulation must be applied before floating installation of the parquet on the subfloor to reduce this effect.

With some finished parquet products, the footfall sound insulation is already attached to the individual parquet elements.

Why lay parquet floating?

Floating installation requires little or no adhesive.

This means that there is no need for full-surface bonding to the substrate. Only the individual elements are connected with each other.

The work can be done by do-it-yourselfers and talented laymen. If you use parquet with tongue and groove, the joints can be glued additionally, but this is not not necessary.

If you live in a rented apartment or are planning to remove or replace the parquet floor after a few years, parquet is best installed as a floating floor.

The bottom can be removed relatively easily if necessary. Floating installation is not suitable for solid parquet, this type of parquet must be glued. If, on the other hand, you use multi-layer parquet or ready-to-lay parquet, the floor can be laid as a floating floor. Floating parquet is not as resilient as glued parquet.

Parquet best glued with underfloor heating

Anyone who has underfloor heating does not therefore have to do without a parquet floor. However, there are a few things to consider. Thus, certain types of wood are less and others more suitable for installation over underfloor heating.

Wood species with unfavourable swelling and shrinkage behaviour such as beech and maple should be avoided at all costs, whereas, for example, oak and walnut are suitable.

However, the decisive factor is that with underfloor heating, the parquet should definitely be glued, because only then is good heat transfer possible.

With floating parquet, on the other hand, there is a layer of air between the subfloor and the parquet, which acts like an insulating layer and impairs heat transfer.

Many dog and cat owners ask themselves the question whether parquet floors and pets are compatible.

Four-legged roommates should feel comfortable, at the same time the floor should not be damaged.

The combination parquet and cat is almost always harmless. With parquet and dog it looks a little more critical.

The type of wood and the surface treatment should be chosen in such a way that no damage occurs.

The problem with animal claws

Cats retract their claws when running and move almost silently on any floor.

scratch marks on the floor are not caused by cats. However, cat claws are a danger for many other materials in the home: all rough surfaces encourage scratching and sharpening of the claws.

This challenge can be defused with a scratching post, and the claws can also be gently shortened with special pliers.

With a parquet floor a cat gets along well. young and lively animals even enjoy the smooth surface especially >/g> and use it for extensive romping.

But what about the topic of claws, parquet and dog?

Dog claws cannot be retracted and often leave scratch marks.

Especially when it is a large and heavy dog, scratches quickly form on the parquet floor.

A sealed floor is more sensitive than oiled parquet. An oiled floor can be re-oiled, smaller scratches can be polished away g>.

Apart from the difficulty caused by hardwood flooring and dog claws, dogs make more running noises than cats.

On a parquet floor you can hear every tap, jump and run fast. As a dog lover, you are usually happy to accept these noises – however, if you are particularly in need of rest, you can cover the dog’s main running track in the apartment with a carpet.

If the pet is not yet stub-clean

Another problem occurs when young animals are not yet house-trained.

Wood reacts very sensitively to urine, the species of animal is not important. This is particularly critical with oak parquet. The cause is the tannic acid contained in oak wood.

The chemical reaction of tannic acid and urine forms ugly black spots. Discoloration extends several millimetres into the wood, abrasive sanding is therefore not an option. The affected parquet strips must be replaced. Other types of wood, for example beech or acacia, also show similar reactions when animal urine hits hardwood flooring.

Parquet and dogs/cats. Animal urine is particularly dangerous for oak parquet
Parquet and dogs/cats. Animal urine is particularly dangerous for oak parquet

Only one thing helps here:

carefully cover the floor until the pet is fully in control of its bodily functions.

And should a mishap happen, the mishap is wiped away as quickly as possible.

The less time the liquid has to penetrate the parquet floor, the less damage is caused.

The problem can recur in sick or old animals. As an animal lover, it is best to take care of the housemate. Then precautions can be taken if necessary!

But there is also good news regarding the question of how parquet and dog or cat get along.

When it comes to “parquet and animal hair“, the floor covering performs very well in comparison with a carpet.

There is no way to prevent pets from losing hair. From a parquet floor, however, the hairs are removed in a flash, e.g. with a vacuum cleaner.

A dry wiper mop is very suitable for this, the animal hairs can be easily absorbed. In the trade there are also special dust cloths, with which animal hairs are removed in no time.

Which parquet is suitable for dogs?

A parquet floor has numerous advantages. Before buying, it is important to consider what requirements the floor should meet.

Is the room subject to heavy use, are there any pets and/or children present? It is best to inform yourself thoroughly about different types of wood and parquet types and their properties.

At a specialist company interested customers will receive the requested information. Which floor price must be expected? Is it possible to lay the parquet by oneself or is it better to get professional help with the floorboarding?

Solid wood parquet is well suited for dogs and other pets if certain precautions are taken. An oiled floor is easy to maintain maintain, and if scratch marks do become visible after some time, oiled parquet can be treated well.

The choice of wood is also important. With a hard wood for the parquet floor, dog owners are on the safe side. Softwoods, for example, are all coniferous woods, but they are rarely suitable for a wooden floor anyway.

Hardwood such as beech, oak or ash is well suited if you want to buy parquet and are considering which parquet would harmonise well with a dog. oiled parquet seems better here than sealed parquet. Scratches can be polished away and a complete renovation is also easier.

Sometimes a smooth parquet floor causes the dog to slip. This can lead to different situations, depending on the temperament of the dog.

A young dog might find it great, he uses the parquet floor as an additional playing surface. Old dogs, who may have problems with their sense of balance or generally with locomotion, become even more insecure.

In both cases it is worthwhile to make a try with ABS socks. What is helpful for small children can also make life in the home easier for the dog. The anti-slip knobs on the underside ensure a secure hold on a smooth wooden floor.

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In earlier times, the living room was the centre of an apartment. In many households today, the kitchen takes up this part. Not only are meals prepared and food stored here, but the kitchen has become a cosy meeting place for the whole family.

If it is an eat-in kitchen, it is also eaten together. And not only that. The whole family meets in the kitchen. Just to talk to each other, to sit together or, for example, to play. It is not for nothing that the trend in this respect continues towards “American cuisine”, where the kitchen, dining room and living room are no longer divided by rigid partitionwalls.

Parquet as preferred kitchen floor: chic, cozy and robust

It is more than logical that the ambience in such an important room for family life should be functional as well as atmospheric and comfortable.

Especially the floor and the decision as to which flooring is the most suitable solution is a central issue. Because the kitchen floor should not only look chic, but above all also functionally aligned. After all, there are times when spills occur in a kitchen while cooking or eating, or when liquids are spilt.

Misfortunes of this kind cannot be prevented. That is why the floor must always be extremely robust, hard-wearing and resistant. In the past, tiles and vinyl flooring were usually the first choice in this respect.

In the meantime, however, parquet has become a popular floor covering in the kitchen. laying floorboards in the kitchen is very much in vogue.

The optimal kitchen floor endures a lot

And that’s not by chance. It is obvious that hardwood flooring in the kitchen alone can score visually and atmospherically against vinyl or, for example, tiles.

It creates a much warmer and more comfortable atmosphere than any other floor covering. However, a floor covering in the kitchen must also always be robust and resistant in order to avoid the corresponding dangers.

In the kitchen, unlike other living areas, a lot can happen. You should be aware of this when you buy parquet.

These are the typical danger swells for parquet in the kitchen:

  • objects fall to the ground.
  • Drinks are knocked over and liquids spill out, causing water stains on the hardwood flooring.
  • the refrigerator is not de-iced properly and water runs out.
  • when opening or clearing the dishwasher, water drips out.
  • when frying, grease squirts from the pan onto the floor.
  • the soil is subjected to a high level of stress at certain points, resulting in increased abrasion.

Parquet in the kitchen is less sensitive with good care

A robust natural material – such as solid wood parquet – is a good choice here.

The parquet prices vary according to quality. Parquet in the kitchen stands for an attractive and decorative look on the one hand, but also offers functional properties that are particularly in demand in the kitchen.

High-quality parquet insulates the heat and at the same time indirectly regulates moisture. Moreover, parquet is far less sensitive for the kitchen than many people still think.

If you lay hardwood flooring, the only thing that always matters is the correct maintenance. If you regularly oil your parquet floor in the kitchen oil and in due course comprehensively sand and reseal , you will enjoy hardwood flooring in the kitchen and co. for a long time. In addition, a floor glued with parquet adhesive is usually more robust than a floating floor.

The coating of the parquet is an essential criterion

But watch out:

Not all parquet types are ideally suited for use as flooring in the kitchen.

Basically you have to differentiate between parquet variants with different coatings.

For example, parquet, which has been sealed with a coating of paint, is not the optimal choice. This is due to the finish, i.e. the surface refinement.

This is because the lacquer forms a layer on the parquet, which, for example, prevents liquids from penetrating the parquet.

However, the longer the liquid remains on the parquet, the greater the risk that it will be drawn into the wood through the joints.

This can result in unsightly stains directly under the parquet sealant, which you cannot easily remove.

Parquet in kitchen – oiled versions are better than painted versions

Better suited than varnish are in this respect oiled parquet floors. There are two clear reasons for this. Firstly, the oil does not form an impenetrable barrier, which means that you have quick access to stains and can remove them immediately.

On the other hand, you can repair or renovate an oiled parquet floor completely without sanding repair.

In many cases it is sufficient to carry out an explicit basic cleaning with the help of a single disc machine and apply new oil to the parquet.

So if you decide on hardwood flooring in the kitchen, you should make sure that you actually buy the oiled version.

This version protects your kitchen floor with its special surface finish.

Just keep in mind that you refresh the oil layer at the right time and otherwise treat your parquet regularly with a care oil. In this way, the soil remains durable and resistant in the long term.

You too can protect your parquet in the kitchen sustainably

However, you can also protect the parquet floor in the kitchen yourself by taking minor measures.

For example, it is important that you always remove liquids or other treats immediately. Care should also be taken when opening and emptying the dishwasher.

If you do this too hastily, water may drip onto the floor at any time. Simply place a carpet in front of the dishwasher and the problem is virtually solved by itself.

The same applies to defrosting your fridge. Even if modern devices do this fully automatically, you should keep an eye on the process. If something is wrong with the functionality, a lot of liquid can leak out. In combination with careful care of the parquet, you prevent in this way lasting damage or unsightly spots on the parquet.

At some point, the time comes for each parquet floor when it must be removed.

Depending on the type of installation and the type of hardwood flooring, diligent do-it-yourselfers can carry out the work themselves or commission a specialist company.

The decisive factor is whether it is finished parquet or solid parquet. The used parquet adhesive also plays a role.

It also depends on the time available, how large the area is and which tools or heavier equipment must be used.

The cost factor is also important – do-it-yourself work saves money, but can be very cumbersome and difficult. A professional, on the other hand, is well equipped and knows the challenge of the parquet removal very well.

When do i need to remove parquet?

In principle, the natural material wood is durable. parquet can be sanded and resealed. Scratches can also be repaired with a parquet repair set.

However, this is only possible several times with solid parquet. The wear layer of finished parquet is relatively thin, so that sanding only produces good results twice at most.

So if the originally installed parquet floor cannot be renovated, it must be removed and replaced.

Another reason: The old parquet simply no longer pleases the residents. Before new parquet can be laid, the old wooden floor must inevitably give way.

Video: Remove parquet with the floor saw

The simple case: Remove floating laid parquet

The easiest way to remove it is to use floating pre-finished parquet.

In this case, only the individual elements are glued together. It is even easier with click parquet where no glue has been used at all.

The parquet is not glued to the ground under any circumstances, so the removal of the floor is easy.

First of all, the removal of the skirting boards.

Then the first row of parquet is lifted, starting at one end of the room.

It is advisable to use a lever tool. With a crowbar or a so-called cowfoot it is easy to remove the parquet.

The only difficulty is with the first row, since the joint has a dimension of only about 10 to 15 millimetres. Once the first row of parquet has been removed, the further removal is very fast.

exception: Glued parquet elements with a tongue and groove joint can be a little more complicated. It is necessary to break the connections between the individual planks. But even in this case the effort is limited and can be easily managed by hobby craftsmen.

With high effort: Remove glued prefabricated parquet

The situation is completely different, however, when fully glued finished parquet must be removed before new planks can be laid.

The fixed bonding is normally not to be loosened by hand. This is only possible if the adhesive bond is brittle due to age.

So before you resort to the use of machines, it is worth trying. If the adhesive bond is brittle, it is possible to scrape off the individual parquet strips.

Good aids are chisels, scrapers and spatula. However, the work requires time and strength.

Only a special machine helps with a stable adhesive connection. Power is still needed, but at least progress is being made relatively quickly.

If a machine is used, it is advisable to use a device with fine dust extraction (or at least a vacuum cleaner). Otherwise, experts recommend wearing a respirator so that the dust formation does not cause any damage to health.

It is particularly difficult to remove finished parquet if elastic adhesives have been used. These are usually silane adhesives, which are characterized by a long service life and elasticity.

This actual quality feature can cause great difficulties when removing parquet. The lowest layer of the parquet rods can stick to the screed and must be removed in painstaking work.

Video: Cut off parquet glue after the parquet out:

Remove solid parquet

In the case of solid parquet, age is the first thing that matters. Parquet flooring that has been in use for several decades or even longer often dissolves almost by itself.

The adhesives used at the time have long since lost their strength. However, novel adhesives such as an elastic silane adhesive make removal an enormous challenge.

By hand the distance is practically impossible. You need a professional parquet layer with experience and above all a special machine.

With an old solid parquet floor, it may be worthwhile to consider the alternative of “sanding down and resealing”. The special charm of a floor “with history” can be wonderfully shown to advantage when a time-honoured solid parquet floor, freshly reconditioned, is combined with the fitting interior!

How much does the parquet removal cost?

The cost of removing a parquet floor is variable and depends on the condition of the old floor.

Bonding, size of space and time involved in pricing. If the bond is brittle, removal can be very quick and easy, but a lot of effort is required for an elastic adhesive with high adhesive strength.

A competent specialist company will prepare a meaningful cost estimate, so that you are safe from unpleasant surprises.

Even before the removal, it is important to obtain general information about floor prices.

Then it is also possible to make a realistic estimate for the buy parquet. Because after the old floor has been professionally removed, a new parquet or plank floor can be laid, which again creates a pleasant living atmosphere.

Where can I dispose of parquet?

Old hardwood flooring falls into the category of construction waste.

Under no circumstances may the planks be burned, because there are almost always pollutants in some form in torn out parquet.

Adhesives, oils and sealing varnishes can be harmful to health, and these materials must not be allowed to enter groundwater or otherwise be disposed of in the environment.

Where to put old hardwood flooring? If only small quantities are involved and the parquet – without adhesive – was laid floating, the remains can be disposed of in the household waste. However, in most cases the quantities of waste involved are larger.

Especially when the old parquet was glued, it is even hazardous waste. Adhesives used a few decades ago often contain toxic components. In this context: When removing the old parquet, a breathing mask should always be worn.

You can ask the municipality whether the local building yard is the right place to go.

The administration provides information on where to dispose of parquet. Anyone who commissions a professional with the removal and disposal is also on the safe side. The costs also include removal, an expense that is worthwhile.